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Enter Project Address

Enter your address and place the pin on the center of your roof.

Your First Name

{{city}}, {{state}} {{zipcode}}

Contact Info

The information you provide below enables us to generate the estimate and find contractors in your area. We will not sell your contact information to anyone.


Project Survey

Please answer this last set of questions so we can better understand your needs, build your estimated costs, and find certified roofers in your area.

Select Roofing Material

This can be modified later if you're not sure yet.

When do you need your roof replaced?
How do you plan on paying for the project?
Interested in saving 20%?

If we can save you 20% or more on your roof replacement, would you be comfortable finalizing the details online without a physical sales visit?

Are you wanting to use this information to compare local pricing?
Who is your preferred roofing contractor or the most recognizable roofing company in your area?

Please note that fake entries will result in a denied free roof estimate.

Enter Verification Code

Enter the verification code that was sent to your mobile phone.

Didn't get the code? Resend SMS

Fake form entries, spambots, phishing, etc. are compromising our ability to continue offering this free service. For internet security from these threats, a verification code will be sent to your mobile number to authenticate the validity of this request.

You're almost done!

You Must Confirm Your Email!

*Check your Inbox and Spam folder for your confirmation email and follow the instructions therein. Your results cannot be generated or sent to you without your email confirmation. Contact us with any questions.

Contact Us

*Email will come from Check your spam/junk folder if it does not appear in your inbox.

  • 100% Free & Online
  • Transparent Results
  • Compare Local Bids
  • Homeowner Privacy

Bids from Local Roofers

New Roof Estimate allows you to get multiple bids from local, licensed and certified roofing contractors online while remaining completely anonymous. You will receive a satellite measurement report and the projected industry standard costs of labor and materials to replace your roof, allowing you to compare bids you receive from local roofing contractors.

Questions? 800-948-7038

Homeowner Advocates

New Roof Estimate is the exact opposite of the large internet lead generation companies: We will provide you with free information and will never sell your contact details.

100% Free

Not only is this service free to homeowners but we are driving down the direct cost to the consumer.


Learn how much the labor and materials cost for your project BEFORE contractor markup.


We provide projected costs of necessary business overhead, sales commission, and profit added on top of the transparent costs.


Receive countless bids without the hassle of sales calls or in-home visits and you decide the next steps.


We respect your privacy and will NEVER sell your contact information.

Insurance Claims

Protect yourself when negotiating prices with a contractor for insurance claims.